LogUtilities 1.5.1
A small compiled library for C logging and configuration utility functions.
No Matches
Log Utilities

This is a small compiled library for C logging utility functions.


** Important **
If this is a fresh setup on a new host device, then make sure to copy config.yaml from bin\config.yaml to a location that can be accessed from the different machines running each application on your local setup. Then, configure the corresponding header macro (i.e. in StateServer\src\state_server.h set #define STATE_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE according to the location where you have put config.yaml). You should also update this version of config.yaml to reflect the network settings of your local configuration.



A typical use case might implement functions like this:

HeaderData* headerData = malloc(sizeof(HeaderData));
Config* config = malloc(sizeof(LoggingConfig));
FILE* myLog = openLogForReading("MySubject", 2024, 2, 16, "TaskGrouping", 0, headerData, config);
FILE * openLogForReading(const char *subject, uint16_t YYYY, uint8_t MM, uint8_t DD, const char *tag, uint16_t index, HeaderData *headerData, Config *config, const char *configFile)
Opens a log file for reading.
Definition log_utilities.c:186
Structure to store configuration data parsed from yaml files.
Definition log_utilities.h:157
Structure to store header data.
Definition log_utilities.h:147



To re-compile the static link library (.lib), use the following command:

cd %NML_NHP_C_PROJECTS%/LogUtilities && gcc -c src/log_utilities.c -o lib/log_utilities.o && ar rcs lib/LogUtilities.lib lib/log_utilities.o && cp src/log_utilities.h ../StateServer/include/log_utilities.h && cp lib/LogUtilities.lib ../StateServer/lib/LogUtilities.lib && cp bin/config.yaml %NML_NHP_C_PROJECTS%/config.yaml && cp lib/LogUtilities.lib ../TaskController/lib/LogUtilities.lib && cp src/log_utilities.h ../TaskController/include/log_utilities.h && doxyincrement.bat && doxygen > %NML_NHP_C_PROJECTS%/doxygen_output.log

To compile the static link library for the 32 bit version (for use with PotentiometerClient) then use the following command from a MINGW32 bash terminal instead:

gcc -c src/log_utilities.c -o lib/log_utilities32.o && ar rcs lib/LogUtilities32.lib lib/log_utilities32.o && cp lib/LogUtilities32.lib ../PotentiometerClient/lib/LogUtilities32.lib && cp src/log_utilities.h ../PotentiometerClient/include/log_utilities.h

For External Use

Assume we have the following project folder structure:

| |--my_code.c
| |--my_code.h
| |--log_utilities.h
| |--LogUtilities.lib

To compile, you would use the following command:

gcc -o bin/my_executable.exe src/my_code.c -Llib -Iinclude -lLogUtilities

Note about gcc

Note that to use gcc on a Windows 64-bit architecture, the simplest way is to download msys2, which will allow you to use pacman from an msys2 terminal. You can first check to see if you already have gcc installed:

pacman -Q | grep mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc

If you see anything in the terminal following this command, it means you already have gcc. Otherwise, you need to install it (and probably the rest of the toolchain, such as a linker etc.):

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

This will give several options for what you can install. If you are unsure what to do, just install all of them.
Finally, you may also want a toolchain for compiling 32-bit applications from your 64-bit Windows operating system. In that case, you can try:

pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain

The last step is to make sure the folder with the correct binaries are on your PATH environment variable. Probably the best strategy here, on a Windows device, is as follows:

  1. Open the Start menu and type Environment, this should bring up a Control Panel shortcut to "Edit the System Environment Variables." Click that.
  2. Click "Environment Variables..." at the bottom right.
  3. Under System Variables, click "New..." and define a new environment variable: MINGW_PATH. If you installed msys2 in the default location, then go to C:/mingw64. You will be looking for the sub-folder containing binaries. In my install, that is located at C:\msys64\mingw64\bin – so that is my MINGW_PATH environment variable.
  4. Under User Variables, find Path. Click Edit... with Path selected.
  5. In the new popup, click New to add a new Path value. Enter MINGW_PATH (note that in Windows, you need a % sign on either side of the environment variable while in other OS you typically use $ leading the environment variable). Now, you can add or remove MINGW_PATH from the user Path variable depending on what compiler needs you have. Click on the newly added value, and click Move Up until it is at the top of the list. This ensures we don't accidentally find gcc somewhere else and use a different unintended version. Note that if you want to switch between i.e. C:\msys64\mingw32\bin and C:\msys64\mingw64\bin it might just be easiest to change the value of MINGW_PATH environment variable.