

This page contains links to automatically-generated documentation produced using doxygen. Specifically, any code written in a compiled language like c should include doxygen style docstrings (which are easily produced using tools like GPT-3.5+).





If you are contributing code and would like to use Doxygen to help maintain the documentation, then follow these steps:

  1. Download doxygen for your operating system/distribution and follow the installation instructions. On Windows, make sure you add the bin folder (by default: C:/Program Files/doxygen/bin) to the PATH environment variable so you can call doxygen from a terminal.
  2. If you are modifying code in an existing repo, you will notice that the repo should have a Doxyfile in the root folder of the repository. If you are creating a new repo, copy an existing repository structure and use its Doxyfile as a template. You should be able to more-or-less leave the Doxyfile alone unless you want to make significant changes to the template repo organization; the key thing to make sure you change are the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, PROJECT_NAME and PROJECT_VERSION variables in the Doxyfile. Your OUTPUT_DIRECTORY should be OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "$(NML_DOXY_DOCS_REPOSITORY)/<PROJECT_NAME>" i.e. OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "$(NML_DOXY_DOCS_REPOSITORY)/StateServer" for the StateServer repository.
  3. Critically, before calling doxygen to generate documentation, you need to set the NML_DOXY_DOCS_DIRECTORY environment variable. To set this variable, you need to have the .github repository cloned from the Neuro-Mechatronics-Lab Github organization. Wherever that repo lives on your local machine, there is a sub-folder docs and within that sub-folder there is another sub-folder docs. Your $NML_DOXY_DOCS_REPOSITORY will be the full string: <.github folder>/docs/docs. Note: I have not tested this using ‘' on Windows, please use ‘/’ just to be safe.
  4. Once you have configured everything, then in a terminal where you can confirm the NML_DOXY_DOCS_DIRECTORY (i.e. using echo $(NML_DOXY_DOCS_DIRECTORY) for UNIX-style bash or echo %NML_DOXY_DOCS_DIRECTORY% for Windows terminal), you should run doxygen from the repository root for which you wish to generate documentation.
  5. If you are adding documentation for a repo that does not exist in the list below, then in your .github local repository, edit the file in ~/.github/docs/docs/ to add the link to the list, following the path structure of other links in the list.