This is a small compiled C
library containing a few math utility functions.
To re-compile the dynamic link library (.dll
) and static library (.lib
) use the following command:
cd %NML_NHP_C_PROJECTS%/MathUtilities && gcc -c src/math_utilities.c -o lib/math_utilities.o && ar rcs lib/MathUtilities.lib lib/math_utilities.o && cp lib/MathUtilities.lib ../StateServer/lib/MathUtilities.lib && cp lib/MathUtilities.lib ../TaskController/lib/MathUtilities.lib && cp src/math_utilities.h ../StateServer/include/math_utilities.h && cp src/math_utilities.h ../TaskController/include/math_utilities.h && doxyincrement.bat && doxygen > %NML_NHP_C_PROJECTS%/doxygen_output.log
For External Use
Assume we have the following project folder structure:
| |--my_code.c
| |--my_code.h
| |--math_utilities.h
| |--MathUtilities.lib
To compile, you would use the following command:
gcc -o bin/my_executable.exe src/my_code.c -Llib -lMathUtilities